Steering Clear of Trouble: Addressing Liquidity Risks through Effective Risk Management

CANVA – 89stocker Companies face a number of business risks that can threaten their ability to achieve their goals if these risks are not effectively addressed and managed. Business risks include everything from financial and reputational risks to compliance and cybersecurity risks, all of which can have a significant influence on a company’s strategic plans […]

What is sensitivity analysis?

“As a member of management, a board member or finance professional, you will eventually ask or be asked, “What are the risks….?” or “Can you tell me the probability of success…? A sensitivity analysis is a way to quantify the risks.”

What is Post incident analysis?

“A natural disaster, security breach or equipment failure is unpredictable and devastating. In order to ensure the continuity of your organization, a post-incident review should be an important component of your disaster recovery planning”

What is risk analysis?

Risk analysis is the process of identifying and analyzing potential issues that could negatively impact key business initiatives or critical projects in order to help organizations avoid or mitigate those risks.

IT Application Controls Review

In business and accounting, information technology controls (or IT controls) are specific activities performed by persons or systems designed to ensure that business objectives are met. They are a subset of an enterprise’s internal control.

IT General Controls Review

“IT controls are an essential component of an organization’s overall internal control that must be addressed by auditors. This article discusses general controls and the review of the general control, a must read for all auditors and their clients.”