May 2021
Protecting Your Accounting Firm’s Data
There’s more than strong passwords and software updates. Read to find out what’s new for 2021 and what you can do to protect your firm’s data.
Watch our video below or read the article underneath to understand more!
For nearly a decade, we’ve seen some of the largest organizations suffer data breaches. These breaches have exposed some awful truths. Companies of every size have more at risk today than in years past. The protection of client and corporate data is vital. Here are 8 ways to improve your data security.
It’s All Our Responsibility – every employee has at least one set of logon credentials. From Janitorial to C-suite, each member of the organization is responsible for data security. Passwords on sticky notes, client data in plain sight, unlocked and unmonitored workstations are all sources of potential data breaches.
Test Your Security – Updating your anti-virus software is not what we’re speaking of. Walk around your organization and you’ll see more than one potential source of concern. The items listed above and many more will likely be found. Treat your client’s data like it was that of a close friend or family member. Remind your staff to do the same.
Encrypt Your Devices – Remote work has become the “new normal.” Work and personal devices are a great source of data theft. Make sure your staff is aware of current standards for encryption, and if not, implement a plan right away.
Software Updates – Yes, they are time-consuming but an absolute must! Software exploits are a frequent source of breaches. Software makers “plug the leaks” with patches and updates. Make sure all your software is running on the most current version.
Password Updates – Require password changes frequently. Some organizations change passwords to various applications on a staggered basis. One main logon may happen every 90 days. Other applications every 30, 45, or 60 days.
Strong Passwords – Virtually every source about data security will include a quick message about strong passwords. They are essential. Some organizations have implemented security protocols not allowing the same or similar passwords within an 18 or 24 month period.
Data Backup – Establish a consistent schedule and backup your data. Secured and remote, your data backup plan can alleviate the headaches of ransomware and accidental file deletion.
Insider Threats – Every interaction with your data is a potential source for breaches. From vendors, suppliers, and employees nearly all have access to sensitive data.
Conclusion – Data security can’t be conquered with a linear approach. It must be multi-faceted and comprehensive mindset which permeates your entire organization and all who interact with your organization.
Each item we’ve discussed can be defeated. In coordination with the other items provided, you and your organization can enhance your security and work towards eliminating potential threats to your clients and your brand.
John Wright, CPA
#HWAA #Highvaluetechnology #Datasecurity #Protectingyourfirmsdata