The Wright Way to Build Your Accounting Firm Part Eight – The Power of Persistence



I understand that this series is a long read for you already. Success needs a long-term effort. Continue learning the secrets to success. In this way, you will reach your destination. 


Watch our video below or read the article underneath to understand more!

I mentioned the consequences of fear and failure. Embrace your fears instead of avoiding them. Every entrepreneur understands the power of persistence. I’ll assist you in developing this trait, which will be beneficial to you on your path to success. 


Complications can happen in life. This was my case before my business trip. I’ve already described how I arranged everything ahead of time. The cost of the journey, in particular. But sometimes, things can happen unexpectedly. An emergency situation arose, necessitating the use of the funds I had set aside for my trip. 


This is also true for every successful journey. There will be times when your plans will fail. You’ll experience financial difficulties. You will also face defeats. But all these are temporary challenges and setbacks. These are inevitable, but you do not stop because of them. You need to enable the power of persistence. 


Going back to my business trip. My plans were about to fail. I was about to cancel my trip due to financial reasons. But, of course, I did not yield all my plans for that. I was persistent. I found another way to finance my trip. I refused to accept defeat in the face of the unexpected, and neither should you. 


Persistence means being consistent with your burning desire, plans, and action. You need to remain committed to building your goals despite the challenges and defeats.  


When I started my firm, I encountered many barriers. Attracting and retaining clients was always a big challenge. I was also having a hard time acquiring new talents. My expense management at that time was not as refined as it is today. But they were my stepping stones to try harder. I knew I had to rise to the occasion and deliver my best. 


Famous names, such as Steve Jobs and Walt Disney, did not have easy access to financial success. Jobs created Apple. After some time, the company fired him. But he did not abandon his dreams. Instead, he founded another company (NeXT and Pixar). Disney was also fired from his first job because of a lack of imagination and creativity. However, he didn’t give up on his dreams. Now, his works continue to entertain people all over the world. These individuals are a few examples showing that perseverance pays off. 


How to develop and master the power of persistence? If you’ve completed the other steps in this series, then this will be easy for you. 


  1. A definite goal fueled by a burning desire. You launched your business with a strong ambition for wild success. Always keep it with you. Use your desires to turn defeat into victory. 

  2. Assess your plan and action. If a failure occurs, alter your strategy. Learn from your mistakes. Consistent action is better than no action. 

  3. Make use of your Mastermind group. Bring together all your willpower and expertise. You can rebuild your plans with them. 

  4. Make a plan in case of failure. Prepare for the worst-case scenario. 


Persistence is a state of mind. Thus, you can develop it. It takes time to achieve success. You must go through a series of trials and errors. You can only achieve true success if you pass the PERSISTENCE TEST. It will be an evaluation of your patience. The business world is not for the faint-hearted. It is for those who want to keep moving forward in the face of adversity. 


Napoleon Hill said, “Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” 


For the next chapter, let’s talk about the other power that will drive your desires. Part Nine will be about your Motives. 





John R Wright CPA



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