Jul 2021
The Wright Way to Build Your Accounting Firm Part Four – Applied Faith
The fact that you’re here shows how you want to build your accounting firm. Keep going! I’m very willing to expand your knowledge. In step four, we will be talking about the glue that holds your desire altogether – your faith. Better yet, your Applied Faith.
Watch our video below or read the article underneath to understand more!
Most entrepreneurs don’t transition their plan with action in the previous part. This is because they were focusing on the negativity rather than the opposite. This is the part of the series wherein you will realize the power of faith and how it can force success.
Let me go back to my business trip. I had arranged everything in advance, even when I was still in Cebu, right? Meetings, events, family visits, and other activities were all on my agenda already. I was thinking about the future. Keep in mind that these plans may fail. I may not arrive at my destination if they did. But I was acting as if I was already at my destination.
Why did I plan even if things are not yet certain? Because I had applied faith. I controlled my mind and conditioned it to the positive side. I knew that I would still reach my destination with the power of faith no matter what happens.
As for your business mindset, Applied Faith is your master key for success. The best thing about Applied Faith is that it is natural. We have full command of it. The only problem is that some people tend to apply faith on the negative side.
It is true. As we start our business, self-doubts, and insecurities arise. “Is my business idea good enough? Can I be successful with this plan? Do I even know what’s next?” These are some of the questions that come to mind. These thoughts are poison. They lead us down the road to self-doubt and procrastination. If I focused on the negative, I would have been bankrupt decades ago. I took control of my mind and my destiny. I rekindled my burning desire and fueled it with determination. It helped me move forward.
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college. Why? Because they had faith in their business venture. Then what happened to them? They became some of the youngest billionaires in history. Thomas Edison had approximately 10,000 failures before he completed his light-bulb experiment. The Wright brothers did not achieve their goal of building an airplane immediately. People didn’t believe in them. But they had a strong desire and put their faith to work. Now look at us, we’re all reaping the benefits of their creation. All because of the power of Applied Faith.
Faith is an essential characteristic that all successful entrepreneurs share. Most entrepreneurs are afraid of failure. That’s why they tend to procrastinate their plans. Remember that failure is inevitable. But, we should have an undying faith to continue on our journey. Let me tell you this, if you have a great idea, put faith in those ideas. Change the way you think and it will also change the result.
A sure-fire way to apply your faith is through consistent affirmations. Daily, I recited my business objectives. I wrote them down. I kept the paper with me until I memorized it. But something strange happened along the way. My subconscious mind took hold of my goal. It began to work on me while I was sleeping. I would wake up with thoughts of how to get certain things accomplished. People with skill sets I needed began to enter my life. Doors seemed to open and I only had to walk through them.
Applied Faith enabled me to act and achieve success. It gave me the power to move forward. I believed in myself and my abilities when no one else did. I knew my cause was worthy. I knew my plan was sound. I acted as if I’d already built the accounting firm of my dreams and worked towards its completion.
The ability to see “it” when others can’t is something most, if not all, entrepreneurs have. It becomes contagious and infects others around you. This leads me to our next installment: Specialized Knowledge.
John R. Wright CPA
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