The Wright Way to Build Your Accounting Firm Part Ten – The Faculty of the Subconscious Mind


We’ve now arrived at the tenth chapter of this series. It’s time to explore the faculty of our subconscious mind and how it can help us succeed. You will appreciate how it can affect your goals in a good way. 


Watch our video below or read the article underneath to understand more!

Before a travel vacation, your mind will not be all about excitement and peace of mind. Some will cause us to have unfavorable emotions. These will alter our perspective of our planned trip. But you don’t have to focus on that. You can always morph your mindset. 


I had a lot of these negative thoughts, too, before my business travel. I developed the emotion of fear. I was afraid of my flight due to exposing myself to the virus (COVID 19). This travel anxiety prompted me to reconsider continuing my journey. 


Starting and running my firm is also associated with different emotions. Some of these were positive, like my emotion of desire. But there were negative emotions too. I was nervous, scared, and worried that my plans might fail. All these negative emotions were affecting my goals. But I did not allow them to rule my destiny completely. I discovered the function of my subconscious mind. 


What is the function of our subconscious mind, then? It serves as a storage facility for anything that is not in our conscious mind. It stores data through a habit. It neither analyzes nor thinks. Its primary duty is to take your repeated directions and route them to the desired results. You can plant any emotion, plan, or desire in this place. This is one of the most potent weapons you can add to your arsenal. 


Below are the two principles of the subconscious mind: 

  • The subconscious mind always says “yes” to everything the conscious mind tells it.

  • The subconscious mind moves in the direction in which the consciousness points it.


Thus, it is crucial to communicate with your subconscious mind. The best way to communicate is through emotions and feelings. They don’t understand languages. It only accepts thoughts that come with strong emotions. That’s why you must fill your mind with positive reviews. Unfortunately, negative emotions outweigh the positive ones. This leads to failure and defeat. 


This table will help you focus on the positive aspects while ignoring the negative ones. 




  1. Desire 

  2. Faith

  3. Love 

  4. Sex 

  5. Enthusiasm 

  6. Romance 

  7. Hope 

  1. Fear

  2. Jealousy

  3.  Hatred 

  4. Revenge 

  5. Greed 

  6. Superstition 

  7. Anger 


In my business travel and my business start-up, the emotion of fear grew into my mind. But I morphed my mindset. I shut out the flow of negative thoughts and shifted to positive thinking. After realizing the subconscious mind’s power, I planted it with powerful positive thoughts. I gained self-confidence, self-worth, enthusiasm, and faith. I formed a habit of applying these positive emotions into my mind. Then my subconscious mind gained control and put my business on the right track. 


J.K. Rowling has linked her subconscious mind to achievement to great success. Twelve different publishers turned down her first Harry Potter book. It was devastating. But she didn’t allow any negative thoughts to get into her mind. Instead, the thought of her books succeeding helped program her subconscious mind. Now, she is one of the world’s wealthiest female authors. 


Fear and negativity will not bring you any good. Imprinting failure to your subconscious mind will be harmful to your goals. That is the faculty of your subconscious mind, but you are using it the wrong way. Habit and faith influence its power. If your mindset is all-negative, then your subconscious mind will link you to failure. 


It is very easy to control your subconscious mind. You need to plant your life with positive seeds, like in your garden. In that way, it will yield a garden that’s full of beautiful outcomes. Yet, if you plant bad seeds, then a crop of negative results will grow. Feed your mind with positive thoughts and combine them with repetition. It will prevail and negative emotions are no longer permitted to enter. The subconscious mind will then lead you to the right track – the road to success. 


You started your business with a burning desire. Hold that clear vision inside your mind. Emotionalize your plan. Repeat it with enthusiasm. Support it with patience and persistence. You can also use motivation and faith. Apply all these traits right away. In doing so, your subconscious mind will begin to work for you in obtaining success. 


Master its faculty NOW! Let your positive emotions reign in your subconscious mind. The next installment will be on how to control your mental force. 



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